Here’s an interactive map and list of all the destinations that have been covered comprehensively on BRB Gone Somewhere Epic.

Just hover your cursor over the map and click on a highlighted region to find a collection of all the articles I’ve written on that destination.

Whether it’s a complete country travel guide or a city itinerary, travel stories documenting my worst experiences, posts covering my best tips, hacks and advice, travel tools, or a ‘how to travel *insert place* on less than $40 a day’, there’s even general facts articles too.

Continents: 4 / 7

Countries: 48 / 197

Percentage of the World covered: 22%


  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • England
  • Estonia
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Latvia


North America:

  • Mexico
  • United States of America


All my posts are regularly checked and updated at least once a year to ensure accuracy of information provided, as well as keeping you up to date on the latest news, prices, and whatever is happening around the world.

(PS: the red dot on the map is where I’m currently at.)